Sunday, December 20, 2009

Gap & Difference Sums

Abu and Syed have some money each. If Abu gives Syed $32, both of them will have the same amount of money. If Syed gives Abu $18, the amount of money Abu has to the amount of money Syed has will be in the ratio 6 : 1. How much money do the two boys have in all?

Mary and Jack have some marbles each. If Mary gives Jack 16 marbles, both of them will have the same number of marbles. If Mary gives Jack 56 marbles, the ratio of the number of marbles Mary has to the number of marbles Jane has is
1 : 3. How many marbles does Mary have?

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Another to Try

The total monthly salary of Raj and Devi is $4410. Raj earned $2070 more than Devi.
(a) What is Devi’s salary?
(b) If Raj and Devi’s pay is calculated on an hourly basis, and given that Raj worked 3 times as much as Devi but Devi earned $5 an hour more than Raj, what is Raj’s hourly pay?

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Answers - Don't Peek Until You've Tried!

For a clearer version of the answers, simply click on the respective images.




Friday, December 11, 2009

Remainder Concept

Remember the branching method I taught you?

Try the following Fractions sums using the model/branching method

Level 1

Level 2

Level 3