Friday, March 26, 2010

Welcome Letter (Preparatory Course for RIPMWC)

Dear Student,

Welcome to HeyMath!

An account has been set up for you to access the Preparatory course for Math competition. Kindly login to your account with the details that your teacher will provide you:

HeyMath! Id: Your teacher will provide you your HeyMath! Id
Password: Your teacher will provide you your HeyMath! Id

Once you have logged in, click on Preparatory Course to access the resource. Then click on Math Contest and the icon 'Admit One' to view the course. Please go through the instructions before attempting the worksheets.

Changing your password/date of birth/email id:

Click on Your Name that appears on the top left-hand corner of the header bar. Complete the details in the page that follows and click on Update.

If you forget your password, please click on the link 'Need Help?' (on the home page) and enter your HeyMath! Id and e-mail id in the box provided. Your password will automatically be emailed to you.


· You will need to have an updated version of Flash Player to view the resources.
· Please ensure that you do not use a 'pop-up blocker' - as this will prevent the lessons from opening correctly in your browser

Check Messages

The Messaging centre enables you to communicate with HeyMath! Support. To provide feedback, or seek assistance if you run into any technical difficulties, please click on the link "Send to HeyMath!"

Alternatively, you could email:


The objective of this forum is to enable you to interact with your classmates and students from other schools who are also enrolled for the Preparatory course.

You can use the forum for help if you are stuck on a problem from the worksheets.

We do hope that you will see the Preparatory course as a valuable online learning resource and look forward to working with you.

Best wishes,
HeyMath! Support

Monday, March 15, 2010

Dear all who are enrolled in the MATHS OLYMPIAD TRAINING

We have signed you up for the Singapore Maths Olympiad For Primary Schools (SMOPS).

It's on the 24th April so please keep that day free!! All the best!