Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Thank You

Dear everyone,
Thank you for the thoughtful gifts you've given me, esp. the skit which you've taken the trouble to put up (but which was very cryptic and a little beyond me) and the video (oooh, someone oughta remind me to save a copy of it so that I can post it here!). It was really awesome!

I feel very blessed and fortunate indeed.

Have a restful holiday! I shall be spending my Teachers' Day preparing Sets H... and I..., and J..., and K..., and......... ;)

Here's one for the memories (Teachers' Day 2010)

Here're my ex pupils from AM6/BU5/CE5 of 2008... woot, how time flies!

Here's me being 'coerced' to read the Teachers' Day message during our staff dinner! Thank goodness the lighting was bad. I was actually flushed!